Friday, January 24, 2014


Welcome to Lea Lawson's College Blog~

Questions - Computer Graphics assignment #1, Prof. A. Barkley

What is your computer experience?
  • I have basic computer experience, if not better. I have experience in Microsoft word, excel, and experience with multiple internet browsers. I can figure out just about any program within a few minutes.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?

  • Although I have used Photoshop and other image editors I am still very unfamiliar with the programs. I have had training with however, and I am able to use most of it's functions. 

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?

  • I have a family desktop, and a personal tablet pc- both with internet access. I currently do not have either program but I will download a Photoshop demo as soon as possible.

What is your major ?

  • I began studies at CCC with a marketing major. Recently though I have decided to break away from the set courses and only take classes that are relevant to the career I hope to build for myself. I am hoping to write, illustrate, publish, and sell comic books; I plan on taking many art, computer graphics, english and business courses to help make this happen. 

What do you hope to get out of this class?

  • I would like to leave this class with an understanding of photo-editing software and higher level design skills.

Who is your favorite artist?

  • I don't have a favorite exactly, I appreciate so many different types of art and different styles that it's really hard to compare. Riusuke Fukahori is an extremely talented painter who painted hyper-realistic sea life using paint and layers of acrylic. I admire his skill and intuition. I also am a fan of many cartoonists who haven't yet made a name for themselves. One artist, pen-name Jessu, is a huge inspiration and influence to me.
Who is your favorite musician? 

  • I have the same issue with picking a musician as with picking an artist, I am a fan of too many! Pop/Rock/Alternative band Ludo has been a must-follow for me for a long time.

Tell me something interesting about yourself?

  • My friend and I have been working on the plot for an excessively long comic series titled Persons of Outstanding Potential for the past five-ish years. We plan on publishing this in the near future, however due to its length its not going to be our first work, instead we are working on a much shorter story in the 'magical girl' genre.

Write a five line story?

  • The last man alive sits alone in his room. It has been years since the other survivors died of disease; decades since the bombs fell. He shifts his chair, the creaking of the floor boards echoed throughout the room- contrasting the silence like the blast the tore the world in two. The room returned to silence. He began to drift to sleep when the air was split by another sound, however this one was unexpected. Someone had knocked on the door.
  • ((This is based on a two line horror story I've read on some fourm- I would link you but I don't think I can find it again))

Post an image on the blog.

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