Friday, February 7, 2014

How to Ruin a Great Design

Much like the street signs and car logos this article focuses on, I have seen product packages butchered when a new design is introduced. The most memorable example for me was the recent change in Tazo brand tea bag packaging. A few years ago the company was bought out by the hot beverage titan Starbucks; and with the change in management so came a change in style. Pre-Starbucks the tea company had a distinctive, classy packaging scheme, and a very memorable logo. It was memorable and iconic to avid tea drinkers like myself, it truly separated Tazo from its competition (if only in style). However, the new designers completely remade the Tazo box image, taking the distinctive look and trying to simplify and modernize the look by removing the textured background and signature logos. The new design is strikingly similar to many store-brad packages and strips the illusion of classiness the company once had. What was once a good design now blends in with the rest of the grocery store tea bag selections.

Tazo packaging, before on the left, after on the right.

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